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9/21/22: Company Portal - Slight Change in Installation Process

This spring, Information Services began directing employees to utilize the Company Portal to install pre-approved software that can be installed on their Crowder computers without the need for IT assistance. Recently, some backend changes to the way Microsoft delivers software have resulted in a slight change to what you may notice when installing software from Company Portal.  

Shortly after clicking “Install” for an application/software in Company Portal, you will see a notification in the bottom left that “Intune” is beginning installation of your selected software.  

A Command Prompt window will then open on your computer (example screenshot below). This is not anything malicious but merely your computer displaying the installation process. DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW. The Command Prompt window will close on its own once the installation is complete and closing it early will stop the installation before it is complete. 


Please contact HelpDesk if you have any questions at,, 417.455.5712, or come visit in McDonald Hall room 217. 

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