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2-4-21: Home Chef Spam Emails

A version of the email pasted below has been received by several people on campus.  These emails have come from multiple places but typically contain similar body text.  Two examples have been pasted below.

DO NOT FOLLOW the instructions in the email.

If you did, please contact HelpDesk at 417-455-5712 or as soon as possible.


Attention Staff:

Home Chef is recognizing our nation’s educators and school support personnel with a 50% discount on their first scheduled Home Chef meal kit and a $10 discount on 5 subsequent deliveries. Simply use code EDU50 to begin receiving your education discount, here.

Home Chef makes home cooking simple. Their fresh, weekly meal kits are customized to your liking and delivered straight to your doorstep. Minimize your trips to the grocery store and destress your evenings with delicious, pre-planned meals starting at just $6.99 per serving. Here’s how it works:

1. Select recipes each week that fit your preferences, budget and dietary restrictions.
2. Use their Customize It feature to upgrade, swap, or double up on your favorite protein.
3. Receive fresh, pre-portioned ingredients delivered right to your door.
4. Effortlessly create and plate exciting dishes with their step-by-step recipe cards.

Your education discount is available at and if you are already a customer, you can verify with on the payment page of your account to begin receiving 10% off all future orders. Enjoy the savings and be sure to share this exciting news with your colleagues!


Our goal is to help teachers, faculty and support staff. We do this by asking companies to recognize your efforts by way of a discount or other benefit. If you would rather not be informed when these types of benefits and services become available, please unsubscribe and you will not be contacted in the future. Thank you.


Disclaimer: This communication is disseminated by My Education Discount, P.O. Box 68, Aurora, OH, 44202, United States and may contain confidential information and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient or believe that you have received this communication in error, please unsubscribe or reply to the sender indicating that fact. You may however, using your own discretion, print, copy, re-transmit, or otherwise disseminate this information to others if you believe it to be helpful or beneficial to do so. Copyright 2020. All rights reserved. 



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