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4/10/24: Fake Amazon Ad on Google

Today, several users have reported a browser hijacker on their computer.  Browser hijackers are typically found when users click on a spoof of a legitimate website and a popup then covers the screan attempting to scare the user into making a call, downloading a malicious file, or providing sensitive information.

The specific browser hijacker today has been found when users search for "Amazon" on Google and then click on the first link, an advertisement spoofing Amazon.  While Google and other search engines actively work to block malicious advertisements, these will occasionally get through to user's searches. When visiting a known website, it is always best to go directly to the website, such as or, by typing the address in the url bar, rather than Googling the website name.  

Below is a screenshot example of a malicious advertisement link spoofing Amazon that shows as the top link when the word "Amazon" was Googled. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact HelpDesk at,, 417.455.5712, or come visit us in room 217 McDonald Hall on the Neosho campus.

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