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2/4/25: Security Certificate Change for Crowder OpenVPN Scheduled for Friday, 2/7/25

Crowder Colleagues, 

On Friday, February 7th, Information Services will be updating an expiring security certificate for our OpenVPN.  Anyone using OpenVPN will likely need to accept the new security certificate when first connecting to OpenVPN after this change.   

OpenVPN is used by employees needing to access Jenzabar or a shared “Departmental W drive” from off campus.  

For complete directions on how to install OpenVPN and set it up, please review the Company Portal – How To.pdf and the Import OpenVPN.pdf within the Information Services Sharepoint site at 

If you have any questions, please contact HelpDesk at,, 417.455.5712, or visit us in McDonald Hall room 217 on the Neosho campus. 

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