
Course Information

Emerg Med Tech-Paramedic Capstone (EMTP 250)

Term: 2018 Summer Term


Kristin L SpencerShow MyInfo popup for Kristin L Spencer
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Prerequisites: AHA BLS healthcare provider level CPR, successful completion of EMTP 240, ACLS certification and approval from Program Director/Medical Director.

This is the fourth of five (5) courses which follow the United States Department of Transportation Paramedic National Standard Curriculum. In this course, the students will be exposed to both intrahospital and out-of-hospital (OOH) clinical experiences. The purpose of clinical education is to provide students with opportunities to reinforce knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired in the classroom and laboratory settings. When provided with opportunities to practice with actual patients, students transition from a basic understanding to an advanced level of comprehensive data-gathering, application and analysis.