
Course Information

EMTP EMS Systems and A&P (EMTP 225)

Term: 2017 Fall Term


Kyle James RitterShow MyInfo popup for Kyle James Ritter
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Ike Isenhower JrShow MyInfo popup for Ike Isenhower Jr
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Tue-Wed-Thu, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (8/21/2017 - 10/13/2017) Location: NEO DVH D132


This is the first of five courses which follow the United Stated Department of Transportation Paramedic National Standard Curriculum. In this course, the students will be exposed to the roles and responsibilities of a paramedic within an EMS system, apply the basic concepts of development pathophysiology, medical ethics, legal aspects, pharmacology, learn proper documentation/communication methods and apply critical thinking skills to skill lab scenarios. (Prerequisites: Current EMT national certification and/or state licensure AHA BLS Healthcare Provider level card required. Acceptance to Paramedic Program required to enroll)