
Course Information

American Literature Survey IMOTR LITR 101A (ENGL 230)

Term: 2018 Fall Term


Kathleen E StarnesShow MyInfo popup for Kathleen E Starnes
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Mon-Wed, 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM (8/20/2018 - 12/14/2018) Location: NEO FAR F154


Prerequisites: College level reading score on approproate placement exam or completion of LOC 50 or the COMM 90 sequence

Selected readings in American literature from its native roots through the end of the Civil War, with emphasis on the oral traditions of native peoples, the poetry and essays of the Puritans and early settlers, Rationalism and Enlightenment treatises supporting the founding of the United States and establishment of its government, and the major writings of Emily Dickinson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman from the American Romantic tradition. The course will include multiple genres, including essays, poetry, short stories, and novels and will fulfill three hours of the nine required in humanities for an Assocoate of Arts degree.