
Course Information

Adv Provider (AdP) to Paramedic (EMTP 277)

Term: 2024 Spring Term


Kyle James RitterShow MyInfo popup for Kyle James Ritter
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Current license as an advanced provider (AdP). Licenses accepted: Registered Nurse (RN), Physician Assistant (PA), Nurse Practitioner (NP), Medical Doctor/Physician (MD or DO).
License must be in good standing, with a minimum of 1000 hours of AdP work experience in the last two (2) years.
American Heart Association (AHA) or American Red Cross BLS and ACLS Provider cards (must be current).
Two or more years of Emergency or Critical Care Experience or
One year RN experience in ER or Critical Care, and one year of prehospital experience (two years total experience) or;
One year of RN experience with a current certification from the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN) that is not expired and applicant is currently working in emergency or critical care nursing.

Course Description:
This course is designed to prepare AdP's for the National Registry Paramedic (NRP) psychomotor and cognitive examinations. In this course the student will be exposed to